Jack’s a great person, and a friend too. We’ve known each other since I was in university. We met in the street. We both studied in the same “uni”, but he left after the first year. He had always been a bit crazy or even mad. He had gone to the police station a couple of times. But not to his favour (he went with handcuffs).
Well, recently, he had joined a gang. He didn’t really like to talk about it. When I talked or even asked about it weird postures and noises (I didn’t know if it was on purpose or a tick). I think it was called P.R.A, whatever that meant. He was changing. Jack was turning more violent. When you tapped him fr4om behind he would attack you. I was getting quite scared.
I was in class, when I heard my phone ring. It was the police. Jack had been arrested for arms trade and up on face book how to make a bomb out of normal stuff, how to make a “kofftel Molotov” make a bigger explosion and how to make an entire block of flats explode only with a pin and a cigarette.
I went to help him but I couldn’t. I either had to pay two billion pounds or nothing. I wouldn’t have all that money, even if I won “Who wants to be a millionaire” ten times. He was so upset he tried to kill the police. But that just got him in more trouble.
I got back home feeling very guilty from my actions. -“If I had the money, I’d get him out of there.”-I said.
I kept on thinking about how to get him that money. I came up with some answers: first I could ask my parents for the money or I could ask for a loan from the bank. Even if I could do these things, it would be very difficult to pay it off.
Meanwhile, Jack was getting very mad. He wrote on the wall a trillion times: “must kill”, “must kill”, “must kill”…
I once went to visit him. He was so mad, he tried to steal a gun from a guard, and attack me. Because of that incident, they took him to a mental rehabilitation centre. A mad house really.
On the thirteenth of November 2009, I was in class. It wasn’t the most usual day, but it wasn’t the most unusual either. I got a message from the mad house. It said:
“They’re all dead here, and the next one is you.”
I didn’t know who sent it, but I was quite intimidated. I was so sacred, I went to buy a gun. But I wasn’t going to use it if I was attacked by words, but by physical action would be a different matter.
I hid it in my car box ( it was a box I got when I was born, and its in a shape of a car). I put it together with the bullets.
I had two hobbies: skateboarding and being in the skate-park.
I went to the skate-park and stated to skateboard. Right then I thought I saw Jack. I left there and went to the park across the road. On my way there I saw him again. I went back home and tried to see if I had a temperature. I was just as normal.
I thought I was getting mad by the second. I looked at the message again. It was from Jack. I tried to escape from my madness thanks to a gun shot through my head; when the door fell down. It was Jack with a hand grenade and a machine gun. I pointed my gun at him. He bit the washer off the hand greande. I shouted, while tears shredded down my face:
“¡ Stooooop!”
I shot him by mistake. He fell and the floor made the hand grenade explode.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Spanish King Juan Carlos, right, flips through one of the volumes of the "New Grammar of the Spanish Language" during the book's presentation at the Spanish Royal Academy's headquarters in Madrid on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2009. The academic overseers of the language of Cervantes unveiled their first Spanish grammar guidelines in more than 70 years. The fruit of their efforts is a nearly 4,000-page tome in two volumes produced by the Spanish Royal Academy and 21 sister organizations in Latin America and other countries where Spanish is spoken, including the United States and the Philippines. It has taken them 11 years to compile. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)
Sunday, 6 December 2009
German winners of logo contest
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Comenius Logo Contest
As you know, our school is now involved in a Comenius Project. The name of the project is E-Read. This project intends to use libraries, books and the act of reading as a link between secondary schools and students from different parts of Europe, specifically Spain, Ireland and Germany. We are looking for a new and daring image for our project.
It is possible for all the students who go to these schools to participate through their drawings, ideas...
From all the projects being submitted a selection will be made and the ones selected will compete at an international level. This will help us to get a global image. We encourage everybody to present proposals.
Technical features:
Every project must be presented in the following format.
- On paper
- Maximum size of A4,
- Black and white or colour.
The anagram is to include at least the initials of the project E_Read.
It must be original and it must not have previoulsy won any in other competitons before.
The projects must be accompanied by a short report that explains:
- The elements used in the anagram
-The idea to be symbolized and the source of inspiration
- The projects must be presented in a closed envelope without personal identification with the following information inside:
- 1- CD-R with the design proposal
- 2 One copy size A4 of the printed proposal.
- 3 Information regarding the projet´s name and the personal details, name and surname of those involved in the project..
- 4 Submission: 11th December at the Arts Department
As you know, our school is now involved in a Comenius Project. The name of the project is E-Read. This project intends to use libraries, books and the act of reading as a link between secondary schools and students from different parts of Europe, specifically Spain, Ireland and Germany. We are looking for a new and daring image for our project.
It is possible for all the students who go to these schools to participate through their drawings, ideas...
From all the projects being submitted a selection will be made and the ones selected will compete at an international level. This will help us to get a global image. We encourage everybody to present proposals.
Technical features:
Every project must be presented in the following format.
- On paper
- Maximum size of A4,
- Black and white or colour.
The anagram is to include at least the initials of the project E_Read.
It must be original and it must not have previoulsy won any in other competitons before.
The projects must be accompanied by a short report that explains:
- The elements used in the anagram
-The idea to be symbolized and the source of inspiration
- The projects must be presented in a closed envelope without personal identification with the following information inside:
- 1- CD-R with the design proposal
- 2 One copy size A4 of the printed proposal.
- 3 Information regarding the projet´s name and the personal details, name and surname of those involved in the project..
- 4 Submission: 11th December at the Arts Department
Friday, 20 November 2009
Une image pour notre Comenius
Comme vous le savez le projet Comenius a eté attribué à notre lycée. Le projet s´appelle e-read. Il vise à ce que les livres, les lectures ou les bibliothèques constituent un lieu d´union entre les étudiants et les lycées de différentes parties de l’Europe. Concrètement l¨Espagne, L´Irlande et L´Allemagne.
Nous cherchons une image nouvelle et audacieuse pour notre projet.
Tous les élèves des lycées concernés par ce projet pourront y participer en présentant leurs idées et leurs dessins.
Après sélection, les projets retenus participeront à un concours internacional afin d’obtenir une image globale.
Nous vous invitons à présenter vos propositions.
Caractéristiques techniques des travaux::
Chaque travail devra être présenté obligatoirement dans les formats suivants:
Au format papier A4 ( au maximun ), en noir et blanc et en couleur.
L´anagramme devra inclure entre autres les initiales du programme e-read.
Il devra être original et n´avoir reçu aucun prix.
Les travaux seront accompagnés d´un bref dossier qui justifiera l´élection des éléments qui font partie de l´anagramme. Il inclura également une explication des sources utilisées et l´idée qu´il veut symboliser.
Les travaux devront être présentés dans une enveloppe fermée, sans nom; ils incluront les informations suivantes:
1.- Un Cd rom avec proposition du dessin.
2.- Le matériel imprimé en A4
3.- Une enveloppe fermée, portant une étiquette avec le nom du travail et à l´intérieur l´identification de l´auteur ou des auteurs.
4.- Lieu et délais de présentation
Nous cherchons une image nouvelle et audacieuse pour notre projet.
Tous les élèves des lycées concernés par ce projet pourront y participer en présentant leurs idées et leurs dessins.
Après sélection, les projets retenus participeront à un concours internacional afin d’obtenir une image globale.
Nous vous invitons à présenter vos propositions.
Caractéristiques techniques des travaux::
Chaque travail devra être présenté obligatoirement dans les formats suivants:
Au format papier A4 ( au maximun ), en noir et blanc et en couleur.
L´anagramme devra inclure entre autres les initiales du programme e-read.
Il devra être original et n´avoir reçu aucun prix.
Les travaux seront accompagnés d´un bref dossier qui justifiera l´élection des éléments qui font partie de l´anagramme. Il inclura également une explication des sources utilisées et l´idée qu´il veut symboliser.
Les travaux devront être présentés dans une enveloppe fermée, sans nom; ils incluront les informations suivantes:
1.- Un Cd rom avec proposition du dessin.
2.- Le matériel imprimé en A4
3.- Une enveloppe fermée, portant une étiquette avec le nom du travail et à l´intérieur l´identification de l´auteur ou des auteurs.
4.- Lieu et délais de présentation
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Una Imagen para nuestro Comenius- Concurso
Como sabéis han concedido al centro el proyecto Comenius. El nombre del proyecto es E-Read. Este proyecto busca que el libro, las lecturas o las bibliotecas sean nexo de unión entre estudiantes e institutos de diferentes partes de Europa. Concretamente España, Irlanda, Alemania. Buscamos una imagen nueva y atrevida para nuestro proyecto.
Podrá participar con sus ideas y dibujos, todo el alumnado del los centros implicado en dicho proyecto. De todos los proyectos presentados se hará una selección que concursará a nivel internacional de esta manera conseguiremos una imagen global. Os animamos a todos a presentar vuestras propuestas.
Características técnicas de los trabajos:
Cada trabajo deberá presentarse obligatoriamente en los siguientes formatos.
En formato papel tamaño A4 (como máximo) en versión blanco y negro y en
versión color.
El anagrama deberá contener, por lo menos, las iniciales del programa E- Read
Deberá ser original y no haber sido premiado en otros concursos.
Los trabajos irán acompañados de una breve memoria donde se explique la elección
de los elementos que conforman el anagrama y una explicación de en qué te has basado, y cuál es la idea que quiere simbolizar.
Los trabajos deberán presentarse en sobre cerrado sin identificar, conteniendo la
siguiente información:
1 .CD-R con la propuesta del diseño
2. Material Impreso en A4
Sobre cenado etiquetado con el nombre del trabajo, y en el interior los datos
Personales (Apellidos y nombres) nivel y clase del autor o autora o en caso de ser varios de los autores o autoras.
Lugar y Plazo de Presentación:
IES La Marina- Departamento Artes Plasticas
11 diciembre 2009
Premio: Viaje a uno de los países socios del Proyecto: E-Read (Alemania/Irlanda)
Podrá participar con sus ideas y dibujos, todo el alumnado del los centros implicado en dicho proyecto. De todos los proyectos presentados se hará una selección que concursará a nivel internacional de esta manera conseguiremos una imagen global. Os animamos a todos a presentar vuestras propuestas.
Características técnicas de los trabajos:
Cada trabajo deberá presentarse obligatoriamente en los siguientes formatos.
En formato papel tamaño A4 (como máximo) en versión blanco y negro y en
versión color.
El anagrama deberá contener, por lo menos, las iniciales del programa E- Read
Deberá ser original y no haber sido premiado en otros concursos.
Los trabajos irán acompañados de una breve memoria donde se explique la elección
de los elementos que conforman el anagrama y una explicación de en qué te has basado, y cuál es la idea que quiere simbolizar.
Los trabajos deberán presentarse en sobre cerrado sin identificar, conteniendo la
siguiente información:
1 .CD-R con la propuesta del diseño
2. Material Impreso en A4
Sobre cenado etiquetado con el nombre del trabajo, y en el interior los datos
Personales (Apellidos y nombres) nivel y clase del autor o autora o en caso de ser varios de los autores o autoras.
Lugar y Plazo de Presentación:
IES La Marina- Departamento Artes Plasticas
11 diciembre 2009
Premio: Viaje a uno de los países socios del Proyecto: E-Read (Alemania/Irlanda)
Monday, 16 November 2009
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Official opening.Meeting in Spain
Within the programmed agenda of the firts Teachers´meeting in Spain, the Scondary school IES La Marina held the "Official Opening Event" for the project E-Read. This first coordinating event tried to redifine the main tasks and the distribution of activities for each team in the diferent countries, leading towards the involvement of students, teachers and families in reading and ICT. Setting up the sign "We are Comenius" was a symbolic act in which different authories such as the Town Mayor, European Affairs Counsellor and Administartion representatives and the coordinators and local team took part during the week o 25th to 30th of October.
A really nice kick-off for the project which looks for the collaboration of everyone involved in readng as the central topic...Great Expectations...
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Comenius Project: E-Read
Following a Comenius Contact Seminar held in Cesky Krumlov last year in the Czech Republic, an agreement was reached between three schools to co-operate on a Comenius Project with the working title “From Euroblog to Eurobook” . ( Sept.2009 until August 2111).
The schools taking part in the project are:
SPAIN-IES La Marina-(Javier Martinez Gonzalez-overall project co-ordinator ). The school has 400 students and 60 staff and is 15 kms from Santander.
GERMANY-Werkmeister Gymnasium-(Alexandra von Bargen). The school has 450 students and 43 staff and is situated in a small town in Baden-Wurttemberg.
IRELAND-Carndonagh Community School-(Jim Neary). The school,with 920 students and 87 teachers, is situated in the Inishowen peninsula in the Northern part of The Republic of Ireland.
(Other schools may be invited to join the project. )
It is proposed to work towards the production of a printed book which will be written and illustrated by students and staff of the schools of the partnership. This will be printed and distributed at the end of the second year of the project. Schools will exchange information and set up a website which will provide a forum, a medium, a platform for an e-based magazine and act as a focal point of the project as the schools prepare for publication of the printed book. Staff and students from all subject areas will be targeted and the participation of students from all levels of academic performance will be encouraged and facilitated.
The major aim of the project is a fundamental improvement of reading and writing skills by creating an awareness of the essential importance of these skills. This should be achieved not only by the traditional methods like handwriting or book reading, but also by use of modern technologies like ICT, that helps to establish the European dimension. Students of the different countries should get as much as possible into contact with each other to exchange their personal and cultural reading experiences and produce materials (website, blog, e-magazine etc.). In the second phase they should work together in order to create a multilingual “European book” that reflects the outcomes of the exchange of experiences, ideas and knowledge during the first phase. The book will contain texts written by the students of every participating country that are linked together by a little central theme that can be found in every text.
This is bthe kick-off. Here we go. Do you fancy joining us?
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